Maintenance Services
Tropical Accents highly recommends the use of organic products to maintain a chemical free yard. The organic products do more than just create a healthy lawn, they are also much safer for animals, humans and plants. Creeks, lakes and rivers are contaminated by the chemicals in many non-organic products such as weed-and-feeds and certain fertilizers. It may be cheaper to use non-organic products, but in the long run we will pay a bigger price by polluting the Earth and damaging resources such as water supply.
Lawns will be maintained by mowing, edging and string-trimming. Grass clipping debris will be bagged up and hauled off at no additional fee. Shaping and light trimming of small shrubs and bedding plants will be serviced as needed. Any extensive trimming may be subject to labor or haul off fees.

Additional Services

Aeration is beneficial for your lawn when top-dressing with fertilizer or compost. Aerating helps to break up dense, compact soil to allow water, oxygen and nutrients to reach the root system of the lawn. Even if you decide not to top-dress, it is still good to aerate the lawn once a year.

Fertilizer should be applied after cutting grass, leaving the clippings on the lawn. We use Sustane 8-2-4 fertilizer and we suggest spreading it in the spring and fall. Once the fertilizer is applied it is always good to water it into the lawn to ensure it soaks into the root system. Labor for this service is gratis for maintenance clients.

Compost can be applied to plant beds, tree beds and lawns in place of fertilizer. Adding compost to soil is recommended every spring and fall if fertilizer is not applied. Aerating the lawn when spreading compost helps break up compact soil and allow compost to reach the root system.

Pre-emergent Treatment for Weeds
Pre-emergent Treatment for Weeds should be spread before the weeds being targeted begin to germinate. Corn gluten meal will suppress the germination of weeds if applied to the lawn when the temperatures are still unsuitable for seed germination. If applied to the lawn once seeds begin growing, the beneficial nitrogen released by the corn gluten meal will fertilize the weeds and enhance their growth. With Texas weather, this can be a difficult window to catch but if applied bi-annually at the proper times it will reduce the recurrence of weed growth.

Winter Rye Grass
Winter Rye Grass provides nutrients, such as nitrogen, to the lawn when the rye grass dies back in March or April. It is a grass seed that is spread throughout the lawn to keep it green and lush through the winter when your existing lawn becomes dormant.

Tree Trimming
Tree Trimming for oaks is available from July through the end of January. Other trees or large shrubs can be pruned year-round. We suggest raising tree canopies to at least 7 feet high near walkways and driveways. Ball moss removal will help trees maintain a clean appearance and foliage density. All equipment used for tree trimming is sterilized prior to use. We have separate equipment to trim or remove trees that are diseased with oak wilt, other bacteria or fungi. From minimal trimming to lot clearing, contact us for a quote.

Storm Damage Preparation & Clean Up
Storm Damage Preparation & Clean Up may be needed during the rainy seasons here in Texas. We can assist in preparing your home for a possible flood using sand bags, wood and tarps. Trimming branches near driveways or buildings will help avoid possible damage from high winds. Debris is often left behind from heavy storms, from trash to organic material, contact us for help with clean up and haul off.
Organic Fertilizers, Fungicides, Herbicides & Insecticides
- Actinovate is a treatment and preventive applied a few times a year to control soil borne and foliage fungal diseases.
- Beneficial Nematodes is an organism used to eat fleas, grubs, and ant larvae. Only to be used in irrigated areas. Sod and plant beds
- Organic Diatomaceous Earth is safe for human and animal consumption and can be spread in lawns and plant beds to kill pests such as ants, roaches and larvae. Diatomaceous Earth will not affect Earthworms. The powder is made of fossilized remains of single-cell aquatic organisms and when applied it destroys the insects’ ability to retain moisture.
- Organic Scythe Herbicide is a non-selective herbicide that can be applied to weeds in gravel and river rock areas. This product cannot be applied to unwanted growth in the lawn without affecting the surrounding sod. Tropical Accents applies this product during our maintenance visits.
- Organic Orange Oil and Vinegar is a non-selective herbicide that can be applied to weeds in gravel and river rock areas. This product cannot be applied to unwanted growth in the lawn without affecting the surrounding sod.
- Corn Gluten (9-0-0) Fertilizer is used as a pre-emergent for weeds. It will only prevent seeds from germinating and does not kill existing weeds. Corn gluten will provide beneficial nitrogen for your lawn. Nitrogen boosts the color, growth rate and density of a lawn.
- Native Texas Hardwood Mulch helps soil retain moisture during hot summer months. Keeps your beautiful plants from stressing for the heat, reduces your water usage, biodegrades and provides nutrients to the soil. Refreshing mulch is suggested twice a year. Double-grind Native Texas Hardwood is the most common mulch we apply but there are many other varieties of mulch we can source if you are looking for a particular color or composition.
- Organic Alfalfa Meal (3-1-2) is used to add beneficial Nitrogen and minerals to feed the microorganisms living in the soil.
- Organic Bone Meal (0-10-0) is used to add beneficial Phosphorus and Calcium to promote healthier blooms, fruits and root systems.
- Organic Feather Meal (10-0-0) is used to add beneficial Nitrogen to boost the plants’ color, growth rate and density of foliage.
- Organic Liquid Seaweed is applied to the foliage or soil of plants. The minerals in Liquid seaweed enhance plant growth.
- Organic Peat Moss is used to add acidity to the soil. Peat moss will increase the water retention in soil.
- Organic Cotton Burr Compost is used to mix with soil under trees or around plants. Compost helps increase water retention and provides macronutrients, micronutrients and microorganisms that benefit all lawns, trees and plants. Aerating the lawn is suggested prior to application to break up dense soil and allow the compost to reach the root system.
- Organic Cow Manure Compost is used to top dress lawns and mix with soil under trees or around plants. Compost helps increase water retention and provides organic nutrients that benefit all lawns, trees and plants. Aerating the lawn is suggested prior to application to break up dense soil and allow the compost to reach the root system.
- Organic Plant Based Compost is used to top dress lawns and mix with soil under trees or around plants. Compost helps increase water retention and provides organic nutrients that benefit all lawns, trees and plants. Aerating the lawn is suggested prior to application to break up dense soil and allow the compost to reach the root system.
- Sustane 8-2-4 Fertilizer works best when fresh grass clippings are left on the lawn. After the fertilizer is applied it is always good to water it into the lawn to ensure it soaks into the root system. Fertilizing the lawn is suggested in spring and fall. Labor for this service is gratis for maintenance clients.
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